Quick Information

Surgery time

30 minutes to 2 hrs


Surgery is done in general anaesthesia administration.

Night or day stay

Surgery is done on an outpatient basis.

Recovery Period

The sutures will recover in one week. You can get back to work in one to two weeks. Complete recovery may require months.

Post-operative Care

The surgeon will ask to avoid strenuous exercise that can hamper surgery.


Inverted nipple and Areola reduction surgery is a simple procedure to reduce the diameter of either one or both areolas.

When Is The Surgery Required?

A significant female population has inverted nipples. This is because the milk ducts are too short, also acting as an impediment to lactating mothers.

However, Inverted nipple and areolar reduction in Dubai is looked upon as a restorative surgery which is done for the following reasons:

  • Inverted nipples can make women insecure, self-conscious, and embarrassed.
  • Fix asymmetry.
  • When too many connective tissues block milk ducts causing nipple inversion.
  • Correcting flat or wider areola.
  • Surgery is required in breast reconstruction.

Procedure Of Inverted Nipple And Areolar Reduction In Dubai

For the surgery of inverted nipple and areolar reduction in Dubai, the surgeon will take the following course of treatment.

  • First, the surgeon will discuss medical history and your expectations. Then, the surgeon will analyze breasts to plan for the surgery.
  • The surgeon injects a numbing lotion or injects general anaesthesia to numb pain sensations during surgery.
  • Then, the surgeon makes tiny incisions carefully at the base nipple to adjust the nipple’s protrusion and areolar part.
  • The surgeon also detaches and re-attaches milk ducts in the right position to help women for milk traction while nursing their babies.
  • Once done, the surgeon closes the incision and also provides post-op recovery instructions.
Inverted Nipple and Areolar Reduction in Dubai


How Long Will The Result Last?

This varies from patient to patient depending upon age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding. These procedures may last for a more extended period, but the factors mentioned above can interfere with the result’s longevity.

How Long Will The Surgery Take?

When performed alone, it will take 30 minutes; otherwise, it will take longer.

Will The Procedure Be Painful?

The incision can be painful; hence the surgeon uses prolonged acting anaesthesia for pain management. A protective dressing is also applied to make you feel comfortable.

Who Are Eligible Candidates?

The procedure is designed to address large nipples and areolae. You are an eligible candidate if you dislike the size and shape of the nipples or areolae. It would be best if you had good health and realistic expectations for the procedure.

What Are The Complications With This?

You may feel reduced sensitivity, scarring, infection, asymmetry, poor nipple sensation, and numbness of the nipples. Breastfeeding difficulties may occur sometimes.

What Is The Recovery Period?

The recovery period of an inverted nipple and areolar reduction surgery in Dubai is just two days as it is a minor procedure. Avoid any heavy strenuous exercise that causes sweating, jerks, and arm movements in the initial days.

Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon in Dubai
Maryam A
Maryam A
Dr adnan he was very attentive, supportive, caring, and genuinely friendly. He did an amazing job. His nurses Janine and June were amazing helping me prior and supporting and checking up on me afterwards.
Anthony Abi Raad
Anthony Abi Raad
Highly recommend him as a plastic surgeon!
Derick Simiyu
Derick Simiyu
I highly recommend Dr Adnan Tahir.
Larry Gurls
Larry Gurls
I highly recommend Dr Adnan Tahir as one of the best surgeon in Dubai. With his amazing job.
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Emelda Mbonge
What an amazing plastic surgeon. Highly recommended.
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ngomo maxin
I highly recommend Dr Adnan Tahir he is an amazing plastic surgeon .

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