Curious about breast implant rippling? Dive into our blog to discover what it looks like and learn more about this common concern in breast augmentation.
What does breast implant rippling look like?
5th July 2024
Occasionally, patients witness a wave-like appearance on their breasts after breast augmentation surgery. It happens because of breast implant rippling.
Breast implant rippling, a common side effect, can cause wrinkles or folds to become visible beneath the skin. While it may not be painful, it can be a source of worry and affect how you feel about your results.
In this blog, we will explore the noticeable signs of rippling, the reasons behind it, and solutions.
What is breast implant rippling?
Breast implant rippling refers to the appearance of visible wrinkles or ripples on the surface of breast implants.
It can affect the aesthetic outcome of breast augmentation and occur when the implant’s outer shell is not adequately supported by surrounding tissue or when the implant itself has a textured surface that can create visible irregularities.
What does breast implant rippling look like?
- You may notice visible waves or ripples on the surface of the breast, particularly when the skin is stretched or moved.
- When touching the breast, you might feel palpable ridges or wrinkles that indicate the presence of rippling under the skin.
- As the implant shifts due to rippling, the shape of your breast may also change.
- As the implant ripples, the breast may also lose its fullness.
- In some cases, rippling can cause a sensation of tightness or discomfort in the breast area, particularly if the rippling is significant or occurs near sensitive areas.
Breast implant rippling can affect the cosmetic appearance of the breasts, potentially causing patients to seek corrective measures if it becomes noticeable or bothersome.
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Why does breast implant rippling happen?
There are multiple possible breast implant rippling causes, and more than one may apply when it comes to a given individual:
- Thin breast tissue: Limited natural breast tissue can’t adequately cover the implant, increasing the risk of visible rippling.
- Inadequate capsule size: The surgical pocket (capsule) needs to be properly sized to hold the implant securely. If this is not the case, it can contribute to rippling issues.
- Under-filling of saline implants: Saline implants filled below the recommended range are more prone to rippling. To prevent this, many surgeons slightly overfill them, though this requires careful judgment.
- Loss of saline implant volume: If saline implants lose volume due to valve failure, replacing them is necessary to correct visible rippling and prevent further capsule shrinkage.
- Scar tissue tethering: Bands of scar tissue can form between the skin and the implant capsule, causing visible rippling, especially with breast movement.
- Adhesion to textured implants: The capsule adhering to textured implants can create a rippled appearance on the breast.
- Improper implant size: Choosing an implant that is too large for the breast width and natural tissue amount can cause rippling.
- Post-surgery weight loss: Significant weight loss after surgery can worsen breast implant rippling due to reduced tissue support.
Is breast implant rippling dangerous?
Breast implant rippling is typically a cosmetic concern rather than a dangerous medical issue.
However, severe rippling may affect the aesthetic appearance of the breasts and cause emotional distress for some individuals.
In rare cases, very pronounced rippling could potentially indicate implant malposition or other underlying issues that should be assessed and evaluated by a qualified plastic surgeon.
How to prevent breast implant rippling?
Preventing breast implant rippling involves several strategies aimed at optimizing surgical techniques, implant selection, and post-operative care:
- Choose the right implant type: Silicone implants generally have a lower rippling risk than saline implants. They have a thicker gel consistency, providing more support and a natural feel.
- Consider implant placement: Sub-muscular (under the muscle) placement typically offers more tissue coverage than sub-glandular (over the muscle), reducing the visibility of rippling, especially in patients with thin breast tissue.
- Optimise implant size and shape: Selecting an implant size and shape that suits your natural breast width and tissue volume can minimise the risk of rippling. Your surgeon should assess these factors carefully during consultation.
- Proper surgical technique: Ensuring the surgical pocket (capsule) is adequately sized to fit the implant snugly can prevent excessive movement and potential rippling. Techniques like precise pocket creation and careful closure can contribute to better outcomes.
- Post-operative care: Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions diligently, including wearing compression garments if recommended and attending follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and implant position.
- Avoid significant weight fluctuations: Significant weight loss after breast augmentation can reduce tissue support and exacerbate rippling. Maintaining a stable weight post-surgery can help preserve optimal aesthetic results.
How to correct breast implant rippling?
Correcting breast implant rippling depends on the severity and underlying causes. Here are some potential approaches to treat breast implant rippling:
- Implant exchange: Switching from saline implants to silicone implants can often reduce rippling due to the thicker gel consistency of silicone. This change can provide better support and minimise visible wrinkles.
- Implant positioning: If the implants are currently placed over the muscle (subglandular), moving them under the muscle (submuscular) can increase tissue coverage and reduce the visibility of rippling.
- Fat grafting: Fat grafting involves transferring fat from another part of your body to the breasts to increase volume and improve the appearance of rippling. This method can provide additional tissue coverage around the implants.
- Implant overfilling: Overfilling beyond the recommended volume for saline implants can reduce the risk of rippling. However, this should be done carefully to avoid other complications.
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Trust Dr Adnan Tahir today for your breast implant concerns
If you are seeking high-quality results in breast implant surgery in Dubai, consult Dr Adnan Tahir, a consultant and celebrity plastic surgeon.
Addressing concerns such as breast implant rippling demands expertise and precision—qualities that define Dr Adnan’s practice. With a commitment to delivering excellent outcomes in breast surgeries, Dr Adnan ensures each patient receives personalised care and achieves natural-looking results.